We believe that a commitment to Jesus Christ is only truly lived out in the context of a local church family. The local church family gives us a place to exercise our gifts for God’s glory, to be encouraged to live life honestly and openly for Christ, and to have our “rough edges” worked through with loving brothers and sisters in Christ. A church family is the natural place for discipleship in Christ.
How do I join Faith Bible Church Church?
First: Trust in Jesus Christ for salvation.
Church membership is for all who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Church, while having a social aspect to it, is about people that have committed themselves to Christ for God’s glory. If you have questions or want to know more about salvation, please let us know.
Second: Baptism by immersion should be considered.
While we at Faith Bible do not require baptism for membership, we do believe baptism is the first natural step of obedience for every Christian. If you would like to know more about baptism, please let us know.
Third: Attend “Exploring Membership at Faith Bible Church.”
Periodically, the church will host membership classes at Faith Bible Church. Membership class gives us an opportunity to get to know you, and hear your background in faith. Some have much history with Jesus, and some have just begun their journey. Wherever you are at in this long walk with Christ, we are excited to hear from you. Membership class also gives you an opportunity to get to know us - so come with your questions. We would love to provide some answers for you.
Fourth: Complete a membership application.
After having taken the membership class, you have the choice if you would like to continue to pursue membership. Should that be your desire, we will inform you what Sunday we will celebrate your joining the family of Faith Bible Church.